Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 19 - Always Listen-ing

Psalm 81:8 (NIV)
Hear me, my people, and I will warn you— if you would only listen to me, Israel!

To have heard from the Lord is great but to continually listen for the Lord is even better.

Tuning your spiritual ears to stay in a place that the Lord can speak to you at any time is the place where we can know His will. Take the time and the effort to quiet yourself. Purposely refrain from asking the Lord for anything and just practice listening. Declare that you have hearing ears. Let Him know your persistence in waiting upon Him. Every moment that you are in the presence of the Lord is another experience that your heart uses to identify the peace of God. When you sense His peace you will hear His voice.

Enter His courts with thanksgiving and His gates with praise. Make sure that you also carry your pen, a blank notebook and your Bible as an act of faith to hear His words spoken directly to you. Be prepared to hear, always.

Never use prayer as a last resort, instead develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit so that you are in a continual conversation with your Father. His voice should be more familiar to us than any human on earth. It can be.

There is no limit to the intimacy that we can experience with the Father. He longs to be known by us. He longs to reveal Himself to us. He longs to show us just how faithful and trustworthy He is. He longs to show us His glory. He longs for us to recognize His voice so clearly that we respond immediately to His still small voice.

He is speaking, are we listening?

Write out on a separate sheet of paper the top five things that you learned from this time of prayer and fasting.

Say this:
I purpose to stay in the mode of listening for my Father's voice. I am an active listener that is eager to hear the Lord. I can and do hear the voice of my Father. I practice listening many times a day. I hear the still small voice of the Lord. I am quick to hear.

Pray this:
"Lord, Thank You for teaching how to hear Your voice. I am grateful that You speak to me from Your Word and by Your Spirit. I present my spiritual ears to You and give You permission to speak to me at any time. I will stop whatever I am doing to hear You. You have my full attention. In Jesus Name."

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